by ACME HPL | Aug 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
Our name is ACME, so you know we enjoy a good rocket-powered car jump as much as the next company named after a fictional cartoon entity. But this isn’t about any rocket-powered car jump. No, instead this is about Ken Carter, and later Kenny Powers (no, not THAT...
by ACME HPL | Aug 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
The GM Futurliners were bus-like vehicles General Motors built in 1939 for the New York World’s Fair, and were later part of GM’s “Parade of Progress” tour. Styled by the legendary Harley Earl, and built by GMC Truck and Fisher Coach &...
by ACME HPL | Aug 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Let’s talk coupe utilities. What is a couple utility? Well, a “Ute” is a short name for one of the more unusual, but semi-popular concepts for a vehicle. Part car, part truck, couple utility vehicles have been around for a long time. Most utility...
by ACME HPL | Aug 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
One of the most iconic spokespeople in the automotive world is Linda Vaughn. Not just another pretty face, Linda, the longtime, “Miss Hurst Golden Shifter” earned her job from the moment she went to work for George Hurst. It is said that on her first day...
by ACME HPL | Aug 8, 2016 | Uncategorized
Most of us know the Dodge brothers did some work for Ford before they created their own car company, but did you know their separation from Ford is the basis of a legal argument still taught in law schools today? Here’s a geeky, not-for-everybody, but very...