Art Chrisman…

Art Chrisman…

We were saddened to hear of the passing of the legendary Art Chrisman earlier in the week. The first to break the 140 and 180 MPH barriers in drag racing, Chrisman was also one of the first five members of the 200 MPH club at Bonneville. He was also known for his...
Finishing up!

Finishing up!

We’re wrapping up some final loose ends on our shop re-do, and our new tables just got here. Look at theeeeesssseee sexy things! Truly “table porn”! 
One Piece at a Time.

One Piece at a Time.

We were talking about car songs this morning, and the “Psycho-Billy Cadillac” from Johnny Cash’s “One Piece at a Time” came up. What a great song! “It was a 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 automobile… It’s a...
Open House Preview!

Open House Preview!

We posted a few quick shots from yesterday’s Open House to our Instagram account. Check it out here: More to come!